400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 U.S.A. Tel: (724) 776-4841 Fax: (724) 776-5760 Web: www.sae.org SAE TECHNICAL PAPER SERIES 2003-01-3368 Class 4 Hybrid Electric Truck for Pick Up and Delivery Applications Richard A. Nellums Eaton Corporation James H. Steffen FedEx Express Shotaro Naito Hitachi, Ltd., Automotive Systems 2003 SAE International Truck and Bus Meeting and Exhibition Fort Worth, Texas November 10-12, 2003Downloaded from SAE International by University of Liverpool, Monday, August 13, 2018All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,without the prior written permission of SAE. For permission and licensing requests contact: SAE Permissions 400 Commonwealth DriveWarrendale, PA 15096-0001-USAEmail: permissions@sae.orgFax: 724-772-4891Tel: 724-772-4028 For multiple print copies contact: SAE Customer ServiceTel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA)Fax: 724-776-1615Email: Customer Service@sae.org ISSN 0148-7191Copyright © 2003 SAE InternationalPositions and opinions advanced in this paper are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of SAE.The author is solely responsible for the content of the paper. A process is available by which discussions will be printed with the pap er if it is publishe d in SAE Transactions. Persons wishing to submit papers to be considered for presentation or publication by SAE should send themanuscript or a 300 word abstract of a proposed manuscript to: Secretary, Engineering Meetings Board, SAE. Printed in USADownloaded from SAE International by University of Liverpool, Monday, August 13, 20182003-01-3368 Class 4 Hybrid Electric Truck for Pick Up and Delivery Applications Richard A. Nellums Eaton Corporation James H. Steffen FedEx Express Shotaro Naito Hitachi, Ltd., Automotive Systems Copyright © 2003 SAE International ABSTRACT Pick up and delivery vehicle applications such as parcel handling trucks represent an ideal duty cycle for Hybrid Electric Powertrains. The low speed, frequent stopping and starting operation provides good opportunities for enhancing engine behavior and recovering braking energy by adding an electric drive system to the vehicle. FedEx Express collaborated with the environmental advocacy group Environmental Defense to announce the Future Vehicle Program, with the goal of developing significant improvements in emissions and fuel economy for the familiar FedEx Express W700 parcel delivery vehicle. This paper describes the objectives, development activities, and test results for one of the vehicles submitted to this pr ogram. A team led by Eaton Corporation prepared the Direct Hybrid Electric Powertrain system, which received the highest ranking in the Future Vehicle Program evaluation. INTRODUCTION Hybrid Electric Powertrains can be used to optimize energy flow in a vehicle system by selecting the appropriate amount of power to be supplied from the combustion engine, and combining it with power from electric motor/generators to meet the needs of vehicle operation. Electric motor/generators can provide positive or negative torque, with a positive or negative direction of rotation. When electric motor/generators are combined with energy storage devices such as batteries or ultra capacitors, the elec trical power path can provide energy independent of the combustion engine, or set energy aside to be used at another time. This additional flexibility in function of the powertrain provides opportunities for substantial improvement in fuel economy and emission performance, as demonstrated in the test results from the Future Vehicle Program. OBJECTIVES FedEx Express and Environmental Defense broadcast a Request for Information to the commercial vehicle industry in February of 2001, seeking an appropriate vehicle for the next generat

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