JSAE 20030055 SAE 2003-01-1984 Development of a Multi-purpose ATF Meeting DEXRON III, MERCON and JASO M315 Specifications Yoshie Arakawa, Rika Yauchibara, Yasuhiro Murakami JATCO Ltd. 2003 JSAE/SAE International Spring Fuels & Lubricants Meeting Yokohama, Japan May 19-22, 2003 10-2 Gobancho, Chiodaku, Tokyo 102-0076 Japan Tel:+81-3-3262-8211 Fax:+81-3-3261-2204 Downloaded from SAE International by Univ of California Berkeley, Thursday, August 02, 2018Notice about photocopy In order to photocopy any works from this publication, you or your organization must obtain permission from the following organization which you has been delegated for copyright for clearance by the copyright owner of this publication. Except in the U.S.A. Japan Academic Association for Copyright Clearance (JAACC) 6-41 Akasaka 9-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052 Japan TEL: 81-3-3475-5618 Fax:81-3-3475-5619 E-mail:naka-atsu@ mju.biglobe.ne.jp In the U.S.A. Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA01923 U.S.A. Phone:1-978-750-8400 Fax:1-978-750-4744 Copyright © 2003 Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. Downloaded from SAE International by Univ of California Berkeley, Thursday, August 02, 2018JSAE 20030055 SAE 2003-01-1984 Development of a Multi-purpose ATF Meeting DEXRON ®III, MERCON® and JASO M315 specifications Yoshie Arakawa, Rika Yauchibara and Yasuhiro Murakami JATCO Ltd. Copyright © 2003 Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. ABSTRACT An additive package for the automatic transmission fluid (ATF) used in slip lockup control automatic transmissions has been developed that satisfies all the requirements of the DEXRON® III, MERCON® and JASO M315 specifications. The influence of the base oil and viscosity index improver that are combined with this additive package was also investigated with respect to ATF performance. INTRODUCTION Individual companies in the automotive industry used to undertook R&D and manufacturing activities independently in creating new technologies to improve fuel economy, reduce exhaust emissions and cope with other issues. That era is now giving way to one in which companies form alliances and other types of cooperation for the mutual supply of technologies and products. The automatic transmission field is no exception, as collaboration between companies continues to increase along with growing dependence on specialized manufacturers. In line with this trend, it is now common for specialized manufacturers to develop the ATF that is used in automatic gearboxes. Our company is a specialized manufacturer of automatic transmissions, which are supplied to various automakers both at home and abroad. In this capacity, we see the development of high- performance ATFs, capable of satisfying the performance requirements of each company, as being extremely significant in terms of supplying high-quality products to our customers and enabling our automatic transmissions to display their maximum performance. Moreover, supplying such ATFs to markets throughout the world is also important in maintaining high market quality. At JATCO, we have established an ATF additive package for use in slip lockup control automatic transmissions.1)2) This package meets all the requirements of GM's DEXRON® III, Ford's MERCON® and JASO M315 specifications. The influence of the base oil and viscosity index improver on the performance of the ATF when they are combined with the new additive package has been investigated. Test results have confirmed that the additive package is capable of delivering its intended performance when combined with various types of base oil and viscosity index imp

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