Abstract The Wayne State University student team reengineered a mid-sized sedan into a functional plug-in hybrid electric vehicle as participants in the EcoCAR 2 competition sponsored by the US Department of Energy and managed by Argonne National Laboratory. The competition goals included reducing petroleum usage, emissions, and energy consumption through implementing advanced vehicle technologies. During the competition, the team did plug-in charging of the 19 kWh high voltage traction battery, drove in pure electric mode (engine off) until the battery was depleted, then switched to hybrid mode and continued driving by using E85 from the fuel tank. The pure electric mode vehicle driving range was 48 km [30 miles] while pulling an emissions instrumented test trailer and projected to be 58 km [36 miles] without the test trailer load for the competition's city/highway blend drive cycle. Even though the stock vehicle mass of 1640 kg [2616 lbs] was increased 26% by 432 kg [953 lbs] from the addition of the electric powertrain and high voltage battery, the fuel energy was reduced 21% primarily through displacement by grid AC electrical energy stored in the high voltage battery pack, and the petroleum usage was reduced 74% primarily by using E85 instead of gasoline. However, the Green House Gas emissions increased, mainly due to a CO tailpipe emission increase of 212% above the stock vehicle. The total energy consumption from driving was marginally higher (0.7%) than stock. Introduction The Wayne State University (WSU) student team participated in the three year EcoCAR 2 student design competition sponsored by the US Department of Energy and managed by Argonne National Laboratory to reengineer a mid-sized sedan into a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV). Competition goals included reducing petroleum consumption, Well-To-Wheel (WTW) Green House Gas (GHG) emissions, energy consumption, and training next generation of students in advanced vehicle technologies. The students learned by using hands-on tasks, math-based design tools, modeling and performing simulations. The students reengineering process followed the EcoCAR Vehicle Development Process, which mimics the General Motors (GM) Corporation's Global Vehicle Development Process [1]. There were 15 university teams competing in EcoCAR 2. An EcoCAR “4-Cycle” drive cycle was created from a weighted combination of EPA cycles (US06, UDDS, and HWFET) and was the basis for the “On Road Competition” drive cycle used in the Final Competition for energy consumption and emissions results. The test track “On Road Competition” drive cycle was an approximation of the EcoCAR “4-Cycle,” having similar road loads. The “On Road Competition” drive cycles for Year 2/Year 3 were 168/166 km [104/103 mile] long drive cycles on a GM proving ground test track. The Final Competition had other scored events including: • Dynamic: 0-60 & 50-70 Acceleration, 60-0 Braking distance, Maximum Lateral Acceleration, Autocross, and Dynamic Consumer Acceptability (Noise, Vibration, Harshness - NVH) • Static: Vehicle Testing Complete, Static Consumer Acceptability • Presentations: Business, Communications, Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, and Controls) The team's reengineering design work included mechanical, electrical, and controls software tasks, with the vehicle architecture shown in Figure 1.Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Reengineering of a Conventional Sedan for EcoCAR22015-01-1235 Published 04/14/2015 Kevin L. Snyder and Jerry Ku Wayne State University CITATION: Snyder, K. and Ku, J., "Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Reengineering of a Conventional Sedan for EcoCAR2," SAE Technical Paper 2015-01-1235, 2015, doi:10.4271/2015-01-1235. Copyright © 2015 SAE InternationalDownloaded from SAE International by Birmingham City Univ, Monday, August 20, 2018Figure 1. Wayne State University's Plug-In Hybrid Vehicle Architecture. Methods To reengineer the GM donated 2013 Chevrolet Ma

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