Abstract We have developed control logic for the Sport Hybrid system with Super Handling All-Wheel Drive (SPORT HYBRID SH-AWD), which can achieves a balance between high maneuverability and heightened fuel economy. The former is realized by effective torque vectoring using two motors capable of independent regeneration and driving the left and right rear wheels, and the latter is realized by the hybrid system. Taking advantage of the benefits of using motors enables effective torque vectoring that is highly responsive from low vehicle speeds regardless of the engine driving force. By means of a control technology that makes advantageous use of this system's characteristics, this approach did not just achieve a limitation of increased turning radius when accelerating in a turn, which has been the main torque vectoring effect realized to date. Rather, it was further able to achieve an “on-the-rail” feeling that is quick, linear, and highly stable to an extent that anyone could perceive in a variety of situations that are closer to what customers ordinarily encounter. Introduction Recently, automotive manufacturers are researching and practically applying torque vectoring systems that enhance vehicle maneuverability by directly controlling the yaw moment using the difference in the right and left driving forces. Honda had also mounted an Active Torque Transfer System (ATTS) for front-engine front-drive (FF) vehicles [ 2] in the HONDA Prelude in 1997 and a Super Handling All Wheel Drive (SH-AWD) system for AWD vehicles [ 3] in the ACURA RL in 2005. Electronic control AWD systems with torque vectoring mechanisms have been devised and practically applied in various formats, and have developed as devices that enhance vehicle maneuverability. However, most torque vectoring systems practically applied thus far have a structure that drives the differential unit via transfer from the engine. For this reason, the torque vectoring effects are manifested primarily in the high-drive, high-lateral acceleration region, such as suppression of the turning radius when accelerating in a turn, and there is limited effect in normal driving.Meanwhile, the automotive industry is also working to increase fuel economy in order to reduce CO2 emissions as a countermeasure against global warming due to greenhouse gasses, and market needs for power plant hybridization are increasing rapidly. Recently, high maneuverability is also desired of hybrid vehicles in addition to high fuel economy. The newly developed SPORT HYBRID SH-AWD system by HONDA simultaneously realizes high maneuverability due to torque vectoring effects and the high fuel economy performance of a hybrid system. Figure 1 shows the behavior of the SPORT HYBRID SHAWD system, which includes a twin motor unit that enables independent regeneration and driving of the right and left rear wheels. The advantage of motor drive is that it enables effective torque vectoring that is highly responsive from low vehicle speeds regardless of the engine driving force. HONDA also created handling stability control technology that makes advantageous use of this characteristic, enabling expansion of the formerly limited torque vectoring effect range to also include normal driving. This technology achieves an “on-the-rail” feeling of being able to turn as desired, giving customers a sense of security. Figure 1. Behavior of Sport Hybrid SH-AWD System Overview Figure 2 shows an overview of the SPORT HYBRID SH-AWD system. The main system components are as follows. • Front: V6 direct-injected engine and 7-speed dual clutch transmission (DCT) with built-in high output motor, Development of Handling Performance Control for SPORT HYBRID SH-AWD2015-01-1575 Published 04/14/2015 Tomokazu Honda Honda R&D CITATION: Honda, T., "Development of Handling Performance Control for SPORT HYBRID SH-AWD," SAE Technical Paper 2015-01-1575, 2015, doi:10.4271/2015-01-1575. Copyright ©

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