Abstract This paper summarizes the history and most significant accomplishments of the GMR-GMR&D Fuels and Lubricants Department from its predecessor organization starting about 100 years ago to its demise during a reorganization in the late 1990s. It covers: • Combustion research to improve engine efficiency and reduce emissions, • Development of chemical, bench, engine, and vehicle tests to improve fuel and lubricant quality, • Development of technology to reduce vehicle emissions, • Research to understand and reduce air pollution, and • Evaluation of alternative fuels and lubricants. In total, the above activities helped not only GM and the worldwide auto industry, but also society. They improved the operation of vehicles and the quality of the air in the United States and around the globe, favorably affecting the lives of hundreds of millions of people. They also created the recognition of and the reputation of the Fuels and Lubricants Department as the best of its kind in the world. It was a vital part of General Motors, especially from the 1950s through the 1980s, when it was widely considered one of the best, if not the best, automotive R&D organization in the world. Introduction At the American Petroleum Institute (API) Detroit Auto/Oil Forum in April, 2014, a keynote speaker discussed the many improvements in automotive lubricants and fuels that have helped make the vehicles of today as good as they are. I sat there and thought, “You know, almost all of them either came out of the GMR/GM R&D Fuels and Lubricants Department or were worked on by the department.” Sometime later, I thought, “wouldn’t it be great if in one document we could celebrate these outstanding accomplishments?” The result is this paper, which covers the following areas: • Combustion research to improve engine efficiency and reduce emissions, • Development of chemical, bench, engine, and vehicle tests to improve fuel and lubricant quality, • Development of technology to reduce vehicle emissions, • Research to understand and reduce air pollution, and • Evaluation of alternative fuels and lubricants. History The Fuels and Lubricants Department was established in 1952 when the GMR Organic Chemistry Department was split into it and the Analytical Chemistry Department. It existed until 1998 when, during a major reorganization at GM R&D (General Motors Research and Development), it became part of the Chemical and Environmental Sciences Laboratory. In 1972, the department gave birth to two new departments, Physical Chemistry and Environmental Science. This document primarily covers accomplishments of the Fuels and Lubricants Department. It also includes a brief review of several important contributions from the Organic Chemistry Department. The numerous accomplishments summarized in this document were not done by individuals; they were team efforts, involving engineers, scientists, technicians, office staff, and an artist. There was teamwork within the department and with many others. Thus, in this paper, no names will be included with each of the accomplishments described.The GMR-GMR&D Fuels and Lubricants Department - Its History and Accomplishments2016-01-0176 Published 04/05/2016 Joseph M. Colucci GM R&D (retired) CITATION: Colucci, J., "The GMR-GMR&D Fuels and Lubricants Department - Its History and Accomplishments," SAE Technical Paper 2016-01-0176, 2016, doi:10.4271/2016-01-0176. Copyright © 2016 SAE InternationalDownloaded from SAE International by Brought to you by the University of Texas Libraries, Monday, August 06, 2018There was cooperation with: • other GMR and GM R&D Departments, • GM staffs and divisions, • other auto companies, • and the oil and additive industries. There was collaboration on research with a number of universities, national research institutes, and government agencies, including the United States Army Fuels and Lubricants Command. Department members provided expertise on engine oil

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