Abstract In order to evaluate the opportunities to use hybrid concepts for heavy commercial vehicles for emerging markets, MAN Latin America has developed a VW refuse truck with 23t GVW using the hybrid hydraulic technology. The in site vehicle tests measurements has indicated a fuel savings up to 25%, which means a reduction around 4.08 liters of diesel/hour or 20 tones CO 2/year [ 1]. Thus, a collaborative cooperation with Rio de Janeiro Sanitation Department (Comlurb) was set for a truck evaluation on a real operation. This 3-month evaluation used one VW 24.280 6×2 hybrid hydraulic refuse truck and other VW refuse truck similar standard diesel. A random dispatch system ensures the vehicles were used in a similar manner. Global positioning system logging, fueling, and maintenance records were used to evaluate the performance of this hybrid hydraulic refuse truck. Due to the climate and infrastructure conditions, the hydraulic hybridization is a suitable solution for the severe applications of emerging markets. This study aims to evaluate the potential of this technology in real conditions of application, regarding to performance and fuel consumption, compared to a similar conventional diesel truck. Introduction For a large vehicle like a refuse truck or an urban bus, an electric hybrid presents some challenges still to be overcome, because there is no practical way to store the amount of energy required for a large vehicle to accelerate in an electrical storage system. Since urban buses, delivery and refuse trucks mostly operate in “stop and go” mode, they require a lot of initial torque to get going. The hydraulic system can provide this initial torque to the system because of its capability to store and release energy rapidly. A hydraulic hybrid is ideal for heavy-duty commercial vehicles in “stop & go” operation.The reason for that is the possibility to save in a hydraulic accumulator, high energy flows in a short time (high power density). With a similar electric battery, this is not possible. In the same short time, this battery can only store a small portion of the energy flow in comparison to a hydraulic accumulator as presented in the figure 1. Figure 1. Ragone Diagram [ 7] In today's electric hybrid systems for heavy-duty commercial vehicles the batteries must be replaced after 3-4 years, which calls for extra work and extra costs. This replacement is not needed with a hydraulic system. All main components are designed to the lifespan of the vehicle [ 2]. The hydraulic components require only minor maintenance effort, which can be handled easily by an experienced refuse truck workshop, once the mechanics are already familiar with servicing hydraulic technology from standard rear-loading collection trucks that have hydraulic compaction systems which helps minimize retraining. However, this isn't granted for an electrical hybrid with his 400 - 900V on-board voltage [ 2].Hybrid Hydraulic Refuse Truck Evaluation on Performance and Fuel Consumption: 3-Month Tests in the Rio de Janeiro Sanitation Department2015-01-2852 Published 09/29/2015 Daniel Ribeiro, Rodrigo Chaves, and Rogerio Curty Dias MAN Latin America Gian Marques V olkswagen Aktiengesellschaft CITATION: Ribeiro, D., Chaves, R., Dias, R., and Marques, G., "Hybrid Hydraulic Refuse Truck Evaluation on Performance and Fuel Consumption: 3-Month Tests in the Rio de Janeiro Sanitation Department," SAE Technical Paper 2015-01-2852, 2015, doi:10.4271/2015-01-2852. Copyright © 2015 SAE InternationalDownloaded from SAE International by University of New South Wales, Monday, August 20, 2018The Hydraulic Hybrib Hydraulic hybrid vehicles, or HHVs, like all hybrid vehicles, use two sources of power to drive the wheels. In a hydraulic hybrid, pressurized fluid is used, instead of electric power as in electric hybrids, as the additional or alternative power source along with a conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) propulsion. The presence

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