Abstract Vehicles driven by electric or hybrid technologies have the advantage that a high torque potential can be used from the start, hence the initial vehicle acceleration is higher compared to conventional propulsion concepts [ 1]. The speed-torque characteristic of electric machines is nearly ideal for the use in automotive applications and electrical machines can be controlled with a high efficiency. The aim of the present work is the examination of different sensor technologies, which are used in such automotive applications to measure the rotor position of electric motors. The project includes the assessment and evaluation of different sensor technologies, e.g. resolver, eddy current sensors and sensors based on magneto-resistive effects. The quality of the sensor angular measurement depends on different parameters, for example misalignment in planar direction, longitudinal direction, tilt angle, temperature, rotational speed and supply voltage. For evaluation of all these influencing factors, a specific test bench with a maximum speed of 24000 rpm, a high precision automated positioning system of the device under test, a variable voltage supply and a temperature range from -40 °C up to +160 °C was built up. Target was to study various sensor concepts in view of requirements for automotive applications. All measurements are compared with a high-precision reference position sensor system for evaluating the angular error of the device under test. In this paper, a methodology based on Design of Experiments is introduced to evaluate the sensor error characteristics as a function of the mentioned sensitive parameters. Different experiment designs are examined, with the target to reduce the overall number of test runs and to generate as much information by keeping the number of experiments as low as possible. The results of the experiments are used to compute mathematical models of the sensor error, for example quadratic response surface models. Introduction For the control of a three-phase electric machine for electric powertrains, it is usually necessary to know the exact position of the rotor. There are a lot of publications and methods about sensor-less control of electric machines published, but in terms of automotive application the field-orientated control scheme with a rotor angle sensor is still state of the art. Figure 1 depicts a schematic diagram of a typical electric drive with a three phase electric machine architecture. The control generates the optimum phase shift between the stator coil induced magnetic field and the rotor magnetic field. In addition to this permanent magnet machine, several further electric machines are coming into consideration, like induction machine and switched reluctance types. The efficient control of all these motor types needs a robust, high-precision and high-resolution detection of rotor position, measured by specific sensors. Sensor errors or delay would lead to torque ripple, reduced efficiency, reduced maximum torque capability, and in worst case to a stranded vehicle. Besides the technical features the sensor system must be cost effective. Preliminary studies and testing can follow up all these considerations in an early stage of development. A universal sensor test bench offers an advantage solution for assessment of relevant rotor position sensor types on reproducible conditions [ 1]. The focus of this paper is to evaluate and characterize the sensors regarding their position measurement quality and it is not to give specifications about the necessary accuracy of rotor position measurement for controlling an electric machine. This will be part of further investigations where the test bench is used to support the generation of simulation models of different sensors for use within comprehensive electric drives simulation. Figure 1. Powertrain architecture of an electric vehicle [ 1]Evaluation and Modeling of Rotor Position Sensor Characteri

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