Abstract In general, driving performance is developed to meet preference of average customers. But there is no single standardized guideline which can satisfy various driving tastes of all drivers whose gender, cultural background, and age are different. To resolve this issue, automotive companies have introduced drive mode buttons which drivers can manually select from Normal, Eco, and Sport driving modes. Although this multi-mode manual systems is more efficient than single-mode system, it is in a transient state where drivers need to go through troubles of frequently selecting their preferred drive mode in volatile driving situations It is also doubtful whether the three-categorized driving mode can meet complex needs of drivers.. In order to settle these matters, it is necessary to analyze individual driving style automatically and to provide customized driving performance service in real time. In this paper, we adopted fuzzy algorithm to evaluate user’s short- and long-term driving tendency by analyzing various vehicle signals. We also came with a result of developing a smart shift and drive control system capable of changing power train and chassis control based on personal driving style and road condition to provide drivers with optimal driving performance and experiences. Introduction Because of spending spree on state-of-the-art devices such as smart phones, customers are more and more willing to purchase custom- made products reflecting their own needs which can be differentiated from others, and this is a phenomenon that meets the flow of the current era highlighting the diversity and individuality.In general, the vehicle driving performance is substantially designed to focus on average customer's driving tendency. Because of that, it is difficult to satisfy the needs of every individual driver whose driving performance is apparently different according to their gender, age, culture, individual habit, and personality. To resolve this issue, automotive companies have introduced selectable drive mode buttons from which drivers can manually select desired drive mode among Normal, Eco, and Sport. This manual multi-mode system is perceived to be more efficient than single-mode system, but it still is a transient solution which leads to inconvenience of drivers in frequently selecting their preferred drive mode in volatile driving situations. It may increase driver’s cognitive workload by forcing him/her to think the appropriate mode and physical workload by selecting a mode manually, which may cause driving distraction. Also, it is questionable that categorizing complex needs of drivers into 3 modes is sufficient. In order to overcome these problems, it is necessary to analyze individual driving style and automatically provide customized driving performance in real time. In this paper, we adopted fuzzy algorithm to evaluate user’s short- and long-term driving tendency by analyzing various vehicle signals during driving. We also came with a result of developing smart shift & drive control system capable of changing power train and chassis control based on personal driving style and road conditions to provide drivers with optimal driving performance and experiences. Drive Mode System Configuration Tailored Driving Tendency Determination of Driver’s Tendency Driving pattern should be identified to construct the control system which can automatically change vehicle characteristic according to the driver's behavior and tendency in real time [ 1].Development of Smart Shift and Drive Control System Based on the Personal Driving Style Adaptation2016-01-1112 Published 04/05/2016 Byeong Wook Jeon Hyundai Motor Company Sang-Hwan Kim Univ of Michigan-Dearborn Donghoon Jeong and Joseph Young-il Chang Hyundai Motor Company CITATION: Jeon, B., Kim, S., Jeong, D., and Chang, J., "Development of Smart Shift and Drive Control System based on the Personal Driving Style Adaptation," SAE Technical Paper 2016-

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