Abstract Rotating clutches play an important role in automatic transmissions (AT), dual-clutch transmissions (DCT) and hybrid transmissions. It is very important to continually improve the transmission systems in the areas such as simplifying actuator designs, reducing cost and increasing controllability. A new concept of electrical motor driven actuation using a wedge mechanism, a wedge clutch, demonstrates potential benefits. This wedge clutch has the characteristics of good mechanical advantage, self-reinforcement, and faster and more precise controllability using electrical motor. In this paper, a new rotating wedge clutch is proposed. It presents a challenge since the motor actuator has to be stationary while the clutch piston is rotating. A new mechanism to connect the motor to the wedge piston, including dual-plane bearings and two mechanical ramp linkages, is studied. The design and verification of the physical structure of the actuator are discussed in detail in the paper. Introduction Compared with the traditional hydraulic clutch actuator, a direct electric motor actuated clutch system has the potentials to increase efficiency, corresponding speed and control precision. The motor requires higher driving force if it directly drives the clutch. This normally leads to an inefficient motor design and requires an oversized package with the 12V power supply system, Therefore the challenge is to amplify the force / torque, while maintaining a compact structure. Many of the various electrical control components have been used in the clutch actuator [ 1, 2, 3], Liu [4] proposed an electric drive clutch actuator used in the DCT (Dual Clutch Transmission). This mechanism can reduce the energy consumption of the system through the spring and the lever; Yao [5] proposed a wedge clutch actuator for brake clutch used in the AT (Automatic transmission), the wedge structure has the advantage of saving power. Jiwon J. Oh [6] proposed a novel clutch actuator for dry-type DCT using self-energizing mechanism. Through the design of the pinion and inclined rack gears, the positive torque transmitted through the clutch adds to the actuation torque acting on the pressure plate to push the clutch engage, when the clutch torque and actuator torque are in the same direction, the actuator saves power; when the clutch torque and actuator torque are in the opposite direction, the actuator uses more energy than the non-energizing actuator. Through intelligent design and control, the wedge structure can convert the kinetic energy of the vehicle propulsion system into the friction energy when the clutch is engaged. However, unlike the electric drive system used in the brake clutch, this application of the wedge mechanism to the rotary clutch will raise a new challenge: the actuator motor is required to be stationary while the actuator and the clutch are rotating. In this paper, we propose a new type of electric drive actuator for rotary wedge clutches. The main components of the system are an actuator, a pair of plane bearings, and a wedge structure. The rotary motion of the actuator part is isolated through the plane bearing, so that the drive motor can remain stationary. Compared with the traditional hydraulic clutch, a DC motor driven wedge structure can have many characteristics, such as, faster response, more accurate control and power saving. It applies a low-power 12V DC motor to engage and separate the clutch. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 outlines the design concept of the wedge clutch including the three dimensional model and force analysis. A simulation in ADAMS and the related analysis are presented in Section 3. Conclusion and discussion are included in Section 4. Design of the Wedge Clutch Detailed design concept and force analysis of the rotating wedge clutch is presented in this section.A New Rotating Wedge Clutch Actuation System 2017-01-2441 Published 10/08/2017 Zh

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