Abstract Due to the increase of mining production and rising labor costs, manufacturers of construction and mining equipment are engaged in developing large tonnage mining truck with good dynamic performance and high transport efficiency. This paper focuses on the improvement of the dynamic performance of a 52t off-highway dump truck. According to the characteristics of its operating cycle, electric auxiliary drive system is installed in the front axle aiming at improving the utilization rate of ground adhesion. The new all-wheel drive hybrid electric system makes it possible for dump truck transports at a higher velocity. Both the conventional dump truck model and the new all-wheel drive hybrid truck model are built based on the A VL-Cruise platform. Meanwhile, under the premise of enough dynamic performance, fuel consumption can be minimized by collaborative optimization in Isight. Multi-island genetic algorithm is adopted to get proper powertrain parameters for its wide use in finding a global optimal solution. The collaborative optimization results show that the new hybrid dump truck obtains high dynamic performance without sacrificing the fuel economy. By comparing the simulation results we find that the maximum velocity of full load all-wheel drive hybrid electric dump truck increases by 19% at 8% slope, by 21.4% at 12% slope. All these improvements are of great significance to the transport efficiency and fuel economy of the dump truck. Introduction Owing to the increase of mining production and rising labor costs, manufacturers of construction and mining equipment are engaged in developing large tonnage mining truck with good dynamic performance and high transport efficiency. A great number of researchers have investigated the new energy vehicle technologies which improve the fuel economy of passenger car. Vehicles with these technology can meet the demand of dynamic performance and fuel economy. The best fuel economy, the lowest emission and enough dynamic performance are the final goal. However these performance cannot meet in the same time, tradeoff is achieved in references[ 3, 7, 8, 10, 11 ].The new energy vehicle technologies including hybrid electric technology, battery electric technology, fuel cell technology etc. have been successfully applied to the passenger car and realized commercialization. The application of new energy vehicle technology in off-highway dump truck (ODT) starts late but has great practical value, while the application of battery electric technology and fuel cell technology on ODT has been rarely reported. With two power sources (engine and electric motor), hybrid electric vehicles has more potential in terms of fuel economy and dynamic performance. Studies on applying hybrid electric technology ODT has been conducted by many scholars [ 1, 3, 4, 9]. Both the energy efficiency and the cost-benefit among conventional, hybrid and fuel cell powertrains in mobile work machines have been compared in Ref [ 1]. The comparison of five different fuel cell hybrid topologies for a load cycle that is specific for a straddle carrier has been presented and guidelines for choosing a fuel cell hybrid powertrain to a non-road mobile machinery have been presented in literature [ 2]. Hybrid truck with appropriate design components and control strategy can achieve much better fuel efficiency, lower emissions through adjust the working point of Engine [ 3]. Fuel economy of hybrid electric haulage trucks for open pit mining with respect to road geometry data and future speeds has been discussed [4]. A hybrid system contains ICE, electric machine, machine controller, vehicle controller and energy storage unit. In series hybrid system, the engine decoupled from the wheel, which makes it possible to keep the engine working at the efficient condition, so the fuel economy and the emission can be improved. Better dynamic performance and fewer energy consumption have been achiev

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