2018-01-0450 Published 0 3 Apr 2018 © 2018 SAE International. All Rights Reserved.Development of Traction Motor for New Fuel Cell Vehicle and New Electric Vehicle Satoshi Honjo, Akinobu Iwai, Hirofumi Suzumori, and Mitsuhiro Okamura Honda R&D Co., Ltd. Citation: Honjo, S., Iwai, A., Suzumori, H., and Okamura, M., “Development of Traction Motor for New Fuel Cell Vehicle and New Electric Vehicle,” SAE Technical Paper 2018-01-0450, 2018, doi:10.4271/2018-01-0450. Abstract Honda’s purpose is to realize the joy and freedom of mobility and a sustainable society in which people can enjoy life. As such, three series of environmental vehicles-FCVs, BEVs, and PHEVs-have been developed so that users in communities around the world can select the ones best suited to their local energy circumstances and individual lifestyles. This paper discusses a structure that enhances both the motive power performance and quietness of a newly developed FCV/BEV traction motor. To enhance motive power performance, the research focused on the stator lamination technique. As for methods of affixing the stator’s layers, the practice with previous models has been adhesion lamination, using electric steel sheets that come pre-made with adhesive layers. Having adhesive layers, however, lowers the ratio (space factor) of steel sheet layers. The new motor uses electric steel sheets without an adhesive layer in order to enhance motive power performance. To enhance the quietness of the auto interior, it is impor - tant to lower the magnetism excitation force. To do this, a new magnetic circuit was developed and magnet positioning was optimized. For the rotor structure, level skewing was used to shift the rotor yoke in the direction of the perimeter. A new motor to go on new FCVs/BEVs was developed and a traction motor that offers quietness, power, and a smooth driving feeling was achieved. Compared to the previous motor, the new motor raises maximum output from 100 kW to 130 kW, and maximum torque from 256 Nm to 300 Nm, all while maintaining the same volume. It also lowers motor noise heard in the interior of the vehicle by 5-10 dB(A), when compared to the previous motor. 1.  Introduction Emerging countries are becoming increasingly motor - ized, pushing automobile production to new levels worldwide. At the same time, societal demands are increasing for better environmental performance from auto - mobiles. Given this situation, the automobile industry is intro - ducing various types of next-generation clean cars using an array of energy forms, including fuel cell vehicles (FCVs), battery electric vehicles (BEVs), and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). Honda’s purpose is to realize the joy and freedom of mobility and a sustainable society where people can enjoy life. As such, Honda is working to realistically achieve a long-term, global reduction of CO 2, which is the true goal of environ - mental vehicles. To achieve this, three series of environmental vehicles - FCVs, BEVs, and PHEVs - have been developed so that users around the world can select the vehicles best suited to their local energy circumstances and individual lifestyles. These three series are realized by the “3 in 1 Concept” that enables efficient creation of vehicles using the same design and a common platform. Efficient development was performed while maximizing drive unit commonality to make the most of the “3 in 1 Concept” advantages.The BEV and FCV share a common traction motor, and the motive power performance of the traction motor has been increased to provide an advanced appeal and enhance the quietness, power, and smooth driving feeling unique to an electric vehicle [ 1]. The structure locates the rotor shaft of the newly developed motor and the drive shaft of the gearbox on the same axis, resulting in a compact form that provides good vehicle installation. This paper reports the structure and technology that enhances both the motive power performance and quietness of th

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