Letter of Authorization To Whom It May Concern I hereby authorize Wowoohr Network technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd . and its affiliates to verify information provided in my pre-employment personal information form, and to conduct enquiries as may be necessary, at the company’s discretion in order to provide for my proposed new employer for use of p re-employment background check ; The personal background information including b ut not limited to Personal Information, Education Background, Employment Background and Working Performance Appraisal as well as Public Information, etc. (Not including personal information that is prohibited by law or administrative regulations ). I auth orize all persons who may have information relevant to this enquiry to disclose it to Wowoohr Network technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd . and its affiliates. Upon the promise that Wowoohr Network technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd . and its affiliates will maintain in strict confidence of my personal information, I release all persons from liability on account of such disclosure. I am willing that a photocopy of this authorization be accepted be with the same authority as the origina l. 个人信息查询及披露授权确认书 至各有关方: 本人在此同意并授权 仁励窝网络科技(上海)有限公司 及其关联机构,有权通过任何渠道收集及查询确认本人在入职前提供 的所有个人信息, 以用于该企业对员工进行 的背景信息核实; 个人履历信息包括但不限于本人的身份信息 、受教育情况等个人基本信 息,在过往就职企业中的工作履历及表现、 以及社会公共信息等其他个人信息 ;但不包括法律、行政法规禁止采集的个人信息。 并可 按需要向有关人员问询本人的各项表现。 对 仁励窝网络科技(上海)有限公司 及其关联机构进行的有关本人信息的任何查询,本人同意所有持有本人个人信息资料的 有关机构及人员,皆可按上述查询主体的要求予以提供。 在 仁励窝网络科技(上海)有限公司 同意对本人个人信息予以严格保密的前提下,本人承诺,上述对本人个人信息的查询及 对本人个人资料披露的行为,任何机构及人员无需承担任何法律责任。本授权确认书的任何复印件与原件具有同等法律效力。 Signature (Regular Script) 签名(正楷) English /Pinyin Name 英文/拼音姓名 Date of Birth 出生日期 ID/Passport Number 身份证件号码 Date 日期

pdf文档 个人信息查询及披露授权确认书2020_3.0

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