Brochure Fortify on Demand Static Application Security Testing Fortify on Demand Static Application Security Testing Static Application Security Testing CyberRes Fortify on Demand delivers application security as a service, providing customers with the security testing, vulnerability management, expertise, and support needed to easily create, supplement and expand a Software Security Assurance program. Fortify on Demand supports Secure Development through continuous feedback to the developer’s desktop at DevOps Speed, and scalable Security Testing embedded into the development tool chain. Protect Applications throughout the Software Development Lifecycle Organizations are faced with rapidly expanding applications portfolios, both in size and complexity. Securing applications from risk and vulnerabilities has become an imperative in order to protect the business and protect customers. Applications must be protected across all phases of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) in order for a Software Security Assurance program to be successful. Application security begins when code is developed. Code is validated through testing. Application security programs embedded throughout the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) have been proven to be the most cost-efficient way to ensure policy execution, compliance, and ongoing enforcement; however, only 13% of technology influencers and decision makers say all their applications are covered under their current application security program.1 Automated Scans Up to 25% savings in development time Scan Results 2x more vulnerabilities identified Fortify on Demand: Proven in Finding and Fixing Vulnerabilities Fortify on Demand is a complete, proven application security solution as a service that is scalable to the needs and various application loads of your business. Fortify on Demand can save up to 25% in development time as code scans can be configured to run automatically. Risks can be identified through Fortify on Demand static scans within minutes2, often revealing 2x more vulnerabilities in source code than other vendors. Fortify on Demand can also reduce false positives by up to 95% which can expedite triaging. Furthermore, it can help reduce repeat code vulnerabilities by up to 40%, resulting in faster development of applications with fewer production risks. __________ 1.  “The State of Application Security in the Enterprise” 2. Fortify Internal Assessments—October 2020 3. “Continuous Delivery of Business Value with Fortify”—June 2017 Triaging 95% reduction in false positives reported Remediation 40% improvement in repeat code vulnerabilities 2 Fortify on Demand Static Application Security Testing Fortify on Demand Static Assessments Secure Code Right from the Start Fortify on Demand finds and fixes application security risks as code is being written. The Fortify on Demand solution is fully integrated within the Integrated Developer Environment (IDE). This means developers receive real-time insights and recommendations on code vulnerabilities as the code is being written. With Fortify on Demand, developers have the intelligence at their fingertips to build better and more secure software—right from the start. Our comprehensive static scan assessments help developers identify and eliminate vulnerabilities in source, binary, or byte code—all to help your business build more secure software. Powered by Fortify Static Code Analyzer (SCA), Fortify on Demand static assessments detect over 781 unique categories of vulnerabilities across 27+ programming languages that span over 1 million individual APIs. Static assessment capabilities with Fortify on Demand are amongst the most comprehensive and flexible available worldwide. Fortify on Demand is designed to meet the needs of AppSec leaders for comprehensive application risk management plus the desire of developers for speed and ease-of use. Capability highlights include: • Support for ABAP/BSP, ActionScript, Apex, ASP.NET, C# (.NET), C/C++, Classic, ASP (with VBScript), COBOL, ColdFusion CFML, HTML, Java (including Android), JavaScript/ AJAX/Node.js, JSP, Kotlin, MXML (Flex), Objective C/C++, PHP, PL/SQL, Python, Ruby, Scala, Swift, T-SQL, VB.NET, VBScript, Visual Basic, and XML • Developer tools to accelerate AppSec integration across existing agile or DevOps processes including: IDE plug-ins, code uploads from build or Continuous Integration (CI) servers, and native integration to bug trackers • Open

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