NIST IR 8241 Organizational Views of NIST Cryptographic Standards and Testing and Validation Programs Julie Haney Mary Theofanos Yasemin Acar Sandra Spickard Prettyman This publication is available free of charge from: /10.6028/ NIST .IR.8241 NISTIR 8241 Organizational Views of NIST Cryptographic Standards and Testing and Validation Programs Julie Haney Information Technology Laboratory Mary Theofanos Material Measurement Laboratory Yasemin Acar Leibniz University Hannover Sandra Spickard Prettyman Culture Catalyst , LLC This publication is available free of charge from: /10.6028/ NIST .IR.8241 December 2018 U.S. Department of Commerce Wilbur L. Ross, Jr., Secretary National Institute of Standards and Technology Walter Copan, NIST Director and Undersecretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology i This publication is available free of charge from: /10.6028/NIST.IR.8241 Abstract Cryptography is an essential component of modern computing. Unfortunately, implementing cryptography correctly is a non- trivial undertaking. Past research studies have supported this observation by revealing a multitude of errors and pitfalls in the crypto graphic implementations of software products. However, the emphasis of these studies was on the practices of less -experienced, individual developers. Therefore, there is little understanding of the cryptographic development practices of organizations, incl uding the benefits and challenges of using cryptographic resources such as standards specifications and libraries. To address this gap, a research team led by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Information Technology Laboratory Visualization and Usability Group conducted a qualitative investigation into the processes and resources that organizations employ in the deve lopment and testing of cryptographic products. The study involved 21 in- depth interviews of 29 participants representing organizations that develop either a security product that uses cryptography or a non- security product that heavily relies on cryptograp hy. This report categorizes and enumerates a subset of findings that document participant comments specific to NIST cryptographic publications and testing/validation programs , with a goal of informing future decisions of NIST and other standards bodies wor king in this space. Key words cryptography; development; standards ; testing; validation ii This publication is available free of charge from: /10.6028/NIST.IR.8241 Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1 Background: NIST Cryptographic Standards and Testing/Validation Programs ... 1 Study Methodology .......................................................................................................... 2 3.1. Recruitment ................................................................................................................. 2 3.2. Data Collection ............................................................................................................ 3 3.3. Data Analysis .............................................................................................................. 3 Participant and Organization Demographics ............................................................... 4 NIST -Specific Findings ................................................................................................... 6 5.1. Standards ..................................................................................................................... 6 5.1.1. Benefits .................................................................................................................. 6

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