5G-oriented Terminal and Chipset Technology White Paper Terminal-RAN-Chipset Coordination Promotes the Maturity of Industry Technologies China Unicom June 2018 5G-oriented Terminal and Chipset Technology White Paper Copyright©China Unciom Research Institue, 2018 1 Acknowledgement This 5G-oriented Terminal and Chipset Technology White Paper has been developed by China Unicom Research Institute and China Unicom Network Technology Research Institute with contributions from China Unicom’s 4G+ Terminal Partners. The White Paper has been delivered by a highly committed team and using a process of open contributions and continuous dialogue throughout the whole duration of the program. China Unicom’s 4G+ Terminal Partners played a vital role in the delivery of the 5G-oriented Terminal and Chipset Technology White Paper. They were engaged and discussed numerous aspects of 4G+ terminal. The feedback given and the vision shared by those Partners were instrumental for developing the content of the White Paper. We would like to express our appreciation to all who contributed to the development of this White Paper. 5G-oriented Terminal and Chipset Technology White Paper Copyright© China Unicom Research Institute,2018 2 Content 1. New Trends of Mobile Internet Development .......................................................... 3 1.1 Trends of Mobile Service Development .................................................................. 3 1.2 Trends of Traffic Volumes on Mobile Networks ................................................... 4 1.3 3GPP Evolution Towards 5G ..................................................................................... 5 2. Key Technologies for LTE Evolution Towards 5G .................................................. 7 3. 4Rx .................................................................................................................................. 8 3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 8 3.2 Benefits ........................................................................................................................... 9 3.3 Network Test Results ................................................................................................. 10 3.4 Industry Progress ........................................................................................................ 12 4. TM9 ............................................................................................................................... 12 4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 12 4.2 Benefits ......................................................................................................................... 13 4.3 Network Test Results ................................................................................................. 16 4.4 Industry Progress ........................................................................................................ 18 5. Proposals on Collaborative Development of 5G-oriented Terminals, Chipsets, and Networks ........................................................................................................................... 18 5G-oriented Terminal and Chipset Technology White Paper Copyright© China Unicom Research Institute,2018 3 1. New Trends of Mobile Internet Development 1.1 Trends of Mobile Service Development As mobile internet grows increasingly popular, there is a rapid increasing demand for more wireless network applications. Innovative mobile network applications are quickly emerging. Traditional industries are undergoing a remarkable transformation that involves several upgrades to unlock huge potential. 1.1.1 Consumer Market Cons

pdf文档 中国联通 面向5G演进的终端及芯片技术白皮书 5G-oriented Terminal and Chipset Technology White Paper 英文版

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