IntroductionContent 03041007 131619Enhanced Mobile Broadband: early 5G applications01 Smart Grids: 5G will support national energy transformation02 Smart Manufacturing: 5G will drive manufacturing transformation04 5G provides new business for telecom operatorsSmart Driving: 5G will increase automotive safety and ef ficiency03 mHealth: 5G can bring health to everyone05Executive summary025G opening up new business opportunities 02Society and industry are undergoing a digital transformation, and it is apparent that existing mobile networks will not be able to satisfy future communication needs. New technology is required. According to a 5G white paper[1] newly released by Forbes, over 80% of executives believe that 5G, a new generation of mobile broadband (MBB) network, has the potential to provide a range of benefits. Industrial managers have begun to realize that MBB networks provide a path and platform for the upgrade and transformation of multiple aspects of their operations . The connection platform enabled by 5G network infrastructure must be leveraged to release the full potential of digitalization. Key findings Enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) services will both drive 5G development and facilitate its success. The need for eMBB will encourage the rapid development of 5G technology and 5G networks. The value of digitalized information lies not only in the information itself but also in the new services that can be created by linking information sources. Widespread 5G connectivity will eliminate information islands, boost the prosperity of a digitalized sharing economy, promote changes to existing production methods and lifestyles, and finally improve people's quality of life . A 5G MBB network, delivered as platform as a service (PaaS), can drive the process of full digitalization through the integration of wireless connections, mobility, Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and big data. Based on a 5G infrastructure platform, the MBB network will facilitate the transformation of diverse industries . 5G, featuring outstanding air interface performance as well as fully cloud-based and flexible network architecture, delivers a better and more comprehensive set of capabilities than other communication technologies. 5G is the best enabling platform with the potential to achieve the aim of enabling multiple industries with a single network . A unified 5G standard will make cross-industry connection possible, accelerate industry application development, and improve the production efficiency of society as a whole . The greatest benefit of 5G to vertical industries is that digital transformation, through unparalleled connectivity, can be implemented in the production, product and service provision, sales, and ongoing support processes . This will ultimately increase benefits and experience for consumers, as well as the industry suppliers themselves. 5G will provide new business opportunities for telecom operators , ranging from provision of eMBB services to supply of applications to vertical industry customers. As well as supporting new consumer services 5G provides operators with the opportunity to increase their presence in industrial markets. As the providers and operators of 5G wireless network, telecom operators have the potential to become the best enablers and trustworthy business partners for industry customers .Executive Summary [1] Forbes Insights , The Mobile Industrial Revolution: Anticipating the Impact and Opportunities of 5G Networks on Business, June 2016, opening up new business opportunities 03Introduction As more information becomes digitalized, public and private sectors are undergoing tremendous change, and this change is resulting in the rapid development of mobile broadband (MBB) and the Internet of Things (IoT). It is expected that by 2025, there will be 100 billion connections worldwide, between people, t

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