POSITION PAPER 5G APPLICATIONS Table of Contents 01The widespread adoption of 5G requires high-performance, low-cost technology; it needs engagement and investment across the whole industry3 02International standards drive cost efficiencies and adoption 6 10 03Global spectrum harmonization, national exclusive licensing, and contiguous spectrum 13 045G applications represent tremendous opportunities for the economy and society 25 05Healthy, productive, and supportive 5G ecosystem for sustainable innovation 28 06Glossary 1 Executive Summary1.1 5G is not just faster, but a new paradigm 1.2 Investment by all stakeholders – not just operators – will drive growth and economies of scale that benefit the whole 5G ecosystem 2.1 Standards benefit consumers and companies as they lower investment and deployment costs, facilitate connectivity and foster interoperability 2.2 Cooperation among standards organizations and all stakeholders has been expanded for 5G 3.1 Multiple spectrum bands are required to address the wide range of 5G use cases and applications 3.2 Regulatory frameworks need to be supportive of 5G deployment and applications 4.1 5G is more than just business: It will have an induced impact on key socio-economic issues 4.2 The industries that will leverage 5G to renew their business models and create more value 4.3 New business models emerging in pilot programs, combining multiple stakeholders to deliver innovative services 5.1 Governments and regulators define 5G plans and initiatives, with greater transparency in regulatory policies 5.2 Regulation of other industries must evolve, which will require cooperation between institutions 5.3 Stakeholders should coordinate to build the capabilities required for potential applications, target business models, and the 5G ecosystem1Executive Summary 5G is a new paradigm Delivering Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communication (URLLC) and Massive Machine-Type Communication (mMTC), 5G applications represent tremendous opportunities for consumers, homes, businesses and communities. • 5G is expected to generate USD 12 trillion in revenues in 2035. • 80% of telecom revenues (broadband, hardware, and services) will be linked to 5G in 2035. Furthermore, 5G will help reduce inequality by increasing access and lowering the cost of essential services, such as healthcare and education. By expanding the scope of wireless technologies and making devices more autonomous, 5G will help to reduce our carbon footprint and conserve natural resources. Last, economic growth will boost direct and indirect employment in all economies. Telecom operators, equipment vendors, and industry stakeholders are transforming their respective industries using 5G applications, supported by national strategies New 5G applications are emerging, supported by national strategies: • Telecom 5G for home (e.g. Fixed Wireless Access) and mobile • Manufacturing Smart factories & connectivity over the full product lifecycle• Media AR/VR gaming, and advertising, multi- broadcasting • Transportation autonomous driving, in-car infotainment • Public services healthcare (e.g. telemedicine), educationVision Transportation TelecomsMedia & Entertainment Manufacturin gPublic Services 3GPP standards Research & Dev elopment 5G-powered economy and society National and regional plans Vertical industries' initiativ es Regulation on infrastructureRegulation on spectrum Regulation by vertical industries TechnologyEnabling environment Applications Use cases Pilots Business models 2The first standards have been released, supporting the deployment of non-standalone and standalone 5G and the first applications. Next steps are focused on enhancing the 5G ecosystem and expanding the potential for applications in the coming years, notably with Release 16 (2020) and Release 17 (2021). • 3GPP is leading the standardization of 5G. As 5G involves operators, equipment vendors, and industry stakeholders, br

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