MAsia Pacific Insight
China Education
The View from 2030
We see significant long-term potential in new business initiatives for K12 after-school
education players, but near-term uncertainty and volatility will be high.
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August 31, 2022 11:30 AM GMT每日免费获取报告
MAsia Pacific Insight
Morgan Stanley Asia Limited+
Elsie Sheng
Equity Analyst
+852 3963-0475 Contributors
Morgan Stanley Asia Limited+
Lillian Lou
Equity Analyst
+852 2848-6502
Lillian.Lou@morganstanley.comMAsia Pacific Insight
Morgan Stanley Research 3Overseas models show new growth areas...: K12 after-school edu-
cation demand persists in view of fierce competition to enter China's
top universities, but it is becoming more diversified and fulfilled by
different products. We analyzed business models in Korea, Japan and
the US, and note that Korea (vs. Japan) has more diversified formats
and higher penetration of home study programs, which evolved in
the wake of Korea's 1980s-90s after-school tutoring (AST) ban. We
identify opportunities in China outside academic tutoring, including:
1) home study content and service providers, 2) smart learning plat-
forms/tools with advanced technology, 3) non-academic tutoring,
and 4) deep cooperation with schools as in-school service providers.
Industry View
China Education |
Asia Pacific
In-Line...and long-term opportunities through
2030: We project that four subsegments –
non-academic tutoring, learning devices,
learning content, and education digitaliza-
tion – will grow at 3%, 14%, 17%, and 6%
CAGRs to reach Rmb685bn, Rmb106bn, Rmb102bn, and Rmb924bn
by 2030, in our base case, which assumes that students and parents
accept the new ways of learning, and that product offerings continue
to be optimized over the next few years amid a stable regulatory envi-
ronment with no unexpected headwinds. Our bull case suggests
CAGRs of 6%, 17% 23% and 9%, respectively, and our bear case sug-
gests 1%, 10%, 10% and 4%.
Leading players have the edge in consolidation opportunities: We
believe content and technology are the keys to success, and that
leading players have both brand appeal and the ability to develop
quality products given their understanding of what parents and stu-
dents need. Assuming EDU and TAL continue to take share in the
combined subsegments' Rmb1.8tn market, it implies 2-3 times poten-
tial in long-term market cap by 2030. Discounting that back to now,
at about a 10% annual rate, still implies 30-40% upside for TAL and
EDU, and 100%+ for Youdao. We adopt an average of this long-term
discounted valuation and SOTP valuation, based on our F24 esti-
mates, to derive our price targets, with 10-30% upside, near term for
EDU and TAL.
Vocational training is sensitive to economic cycles: Travel restric-
tions in April and May resulted in near-term disruptions to student
recruitment and also course delivery, and therefore to revenue rec-
ognition for CEE and Offcn. The delay in the civil service entry exam
also had an impact on Offcn's revenue. While there has been a mar-
中国教育2030年市场展望 英文 2022
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