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Supervisor, Truck Technical Service
GMC Truck & Coach Division
General Motors Corporation
Pontiacp, Michigan
Written discussion of this paper will be accepted
at SAE Headquarters until August 1, 1953. Three
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For presentation at the
The Ambassador and Ritz-Carlton
Atlantic City, N. Jo
June 7-12,
; SOCIETY of AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS, Inc., 29 West 39th Street, New York 18, N.Y.
Downloaded from SAE International by Columbia Univ, Wednesday, December 05, 2018ADVANTAGES AMD DISADVANTAGES OF HTDRA-MATIC
For everyone who is even remotely connected with the truck transporta-
tion industry, as well as those of us who depend upon it directly for our liveli-
hood, the engineering advances which contribute to better motor trucks can lead
to only one thing-— a higher standard of living with more dollars in everyone's
Recently , we at GMG Truck have released an engineering advancement and
product improvement that has already made its mark on the industry— and for which
we see a very bright future. From the title of this paper, you, of course, know
that I'm referring to the application of a completely automatic transmission to a
truck~specifically, the appiication of the Hydra-Matic transmission to GMC light
duty trucks.
Before going into details, let's briefly describe the Hydra-Matic for
those of you who may not already be familiar with it. Unlike torque converter
type transmissions which depend on the flow and turbulent action of hydraulic
fluid to multiply torque, the Hydra-Matic is a gear type transmission with four
specific forward ratios and one reverse ratio, all used in combination with a
fluid coupling. The gears used, are of the planetary type. The planetarys are
hydrauiically controlled and operated with the four forward driving gear ratios
obtained through various combinations of band and clutch application on two
planetary sets. A third planetary set is used with the other two to obtain one
reverse ratio . Power from the engine is transmitted through the fluid coupling
which takes the place of a normal manually operated clutch.
Now as you probably know, we at GMC have had the Hydra-Matic trans-
mission as standard equipment in a package delivery truck for about one year.
This model we call the PM150, and it has enjoyed wide acceptance in many dif-
ferent operations—more of .which you will near later. In February of this year,
Ifydra~Matic became availablie as an option in additional models having nominal
ratings of 1/2, 3/4, and 1 ton, with various body types and wheelbases. Actual
GVW's range from 4800 pounds to 8800 pounds, This gives the many light duty
truck operators in numerous types of service an opportunity to benefit from the
advantages of Hydra-Matic.
Undoubtedly, you are familiar with the broad usage application? to
which this transmission has been subjected— pass
army wheeled vehicles, and also one of the toughest Operations imaginable--
successful motor coach city service. f0r about six- years. With such a background
of successful operation in much more severe operating conditions than we are
familiar with in passenger car usage, it is not unusual to find Hydra-Matic
engineered for commercial truck application.
; .-..-. .. , . •, - ' ' \ ' ' -• -.. . ' - '
The questions I hope to answer for, you in this paper, which I'm sure
most of you have in mind are; How did we do it, and why did we do it?
Let's consider first, how we did it. In particular, there is one point
on which our thinking should be clear. We
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