Advanced Integrated
Propulsion Systems (AIPS)
for Future Rfflain Battle
Tank (MBT)
Herbert H. Dobbs and Paul C. Glance
US Army Tank Automotive Command
International Congress & Exposition
Detroit, Michigan
February 28 - March 4, 1983 Downloaded from SAE International by University Of Newcastle, Thursday, August 09, 2018The appearance of the code at the bottom of the first page of this paper Indicates
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Copyright 1933 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. Downloaded from SAE International by University Of Newcastle, Thursday, August 09, 2018830504
Advanced Integrated
Propulsion Systems (AIPS)
for Future Main Battle
Tank (MBT)
Herbert H. Dobbs and Paul C. Glance
US Army Tank Automotive Command
In August of 1982, the US Army Tank-
Automotive Command (TACOM), initiated the
first phase of the Advanced Integrated
Propulsion System (AIPS) program by awarding
six design analysis contracts. The AIPS
program is aimed at competitively developing
and producing a power package for application
to the future heavy combat vehicle weight
class. This paper reviews the purpose,
schedule, target goals, and acquisition
strategy of the AIPS program.
The AIPS development differs from past
programs in several ways. Technically, the
engine, transmission and other subsystems
will be designed and developed together as a
totally integrated propulsion system. With
regard to management of the program, the
Government is examining acquisition
strategies with the intent of insuring
competition throughout all phases (research,
development, and production) and achieving
the simultaneous qualification of two
production sources. The final acquisition
strategy has yet to be determined.
This paper describes the purpose,
integrated system development, and discusses
the potential acquisition strategy of the
newly initiated US Army Tank-Automotive
Command (TACOM) development program aimed at
competitively developing and producing a
state-of-the-art power package for future
heavy combat vehicles circa the year 2000.
This program is called the "Advanced
Integrated Propulsion System" program and is
referred to by the acronym "AIPS" throughout
this paper. The objectives of the AIPS program are to
analyze the various possible technical
approaches available for meeting the
program's goals, develop the most promising of
these, and then select the best propulsion
system for application to the heavy combat
vehicle weight class (i.e., 40 ton class and
The AIPS strategy differs from past
development programs in that the engine,
transmission, and accessories will be
developed together as a totally integrated
propulsion system while also considering
signatures, human factors, and Reliability,
Availability, Maintainability and Durability
(RAM-D) goals. This approach is expected to
provide better system optimization than c
SAE_1983-02-01_830504_Advanced Integrated Propulsion System (AIPS) for Future Main Battle Tank (MBT)
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