Vienna Motor Symposium 2020 Dr .-Ing. Joachim Doerr , Dipl.-Ing. Oliver Hoffmann, Dr.-Ing. Günther Mendl, Dipl.-Ing. Gerhard Fröhli ch, Dipl.-Ing. Roman Straßer, Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Laudenbach, Dipl.-Ing. Siegfried Pint – AUDI AG Ingolstadt Dip l.-Ing. G. Gulyas, Dipl.-Ing. A. Stroh – Audi Hungaria Györ The electric drivetrain with 3-motor -layout of the new Audi e -tron top model Das elektrische Antriebssystem mit 3-Motor-Layout im neuen Audi e -tron Top -Modell Abstract W ith the e- tron top model, Audi is the first high -volume manufacturer to put a BEV with a 3-motor layout and active electric torque vectoring into mass production, completing its scalable electrical drivetrain system for the e- tron series. The drivetrain kit for the Audi e- tron and e- tron Sportback thus comprises two battery vari- ants (71 kWh and 95 kWh) with flexible cell technology (prismatic/pouch) and four electric axle drives with system power outputs between 230 and 370 kW. Forty years after the launch of the mechanical quattro drive in Geneva in 1980, the new electric twin -coax rear axle of the Audi e- tron top model is a real technical highlight. It is capable of applying several thousand newton metres of yaw moment to the vertical axis of the vehicle, enhancing the dynamics of the e- tron to a highly sporty level. The outstanding electric quattro drive of the Audi e- tron has been significantly improved once again as a result. 41. Internationales Wiener Motorensymposium 20201. Introduction With the launch of the sporty top models of the Audi e- tron and Audi e- tron Sportback, the e-tron series gets a spectacular update in the anniversary year marking 40 years of the Audi quattro. Audi is the first manufacturer to put a BEV with a high- perform ance 3 -motor layout into mass production. A more powerful front axle drive and a highly dynamic twin- coax drive on the rear axle have further enhanced the handling and longitudinal and lateral dynamics of the e- tron series. The Audi e- tron top model thus becomes the sportiest electric SUV on the market (Figure 1). Figure 1: The electric drivetrain in the new Audi e- tron top model As well as detailing the sporty drivetrain with the 3- motor layout, this article also summa- rises all the improvements and drivetrain upgrades of the e- tron series since its launch. The series has been enhanced in numerous ways heading into 2020. In addition to the introduction of the S -Line sports package and improved energy recupera- tion with enhanced one- pedal -feeling, numerous measures have been implemented to fur- ther improve the vehicle’ s efficiency and range. As an entry point into the e- tron world, an- other motor variant with reduced power and a smaller battery is also available. The AC charging power can be optionally inc reased up to 22 kW. 41. Internationales Wiener Motorensymposium 20202. Improved efficiency and extended range Just under a year after the market launch of the Audi e- tron, the model series is being up- graded in various ways, including by measures to extend its range. The key points are briefly summari sed below and in Figure 2 (values referred to the WLTP). • The battery’s usable SOC capacity (SOC = state of charge; usable capacity in %) is increased from 88% to 91%. Extensive tests have proved the robustness of the bat-tery system. The increase in usable battery capacity is realised in full compliance with Audi ’s high quality and durability demands. • In low -load driving mode, the front axle drive of the Audi e- tron is now fully electri- cally decoupled, meaning the power electronics no longer pulses current into the electric motor . The reduced energy consumption improves the efficiency of the ve- hicle. Th is measure could be implemented by means of optimised power electronics functions with no loss of comfort or agility when reconnecting the electric axle . • The reduction in residual braking t

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