INFORMATION PROCESSING Decisional Interference Intruding into an individual’s decision regarding their private affairs A payment processor declining transactions for contraceptives. INFORMATION DISSEMINATION Increased Accessibility Amplifying the accessibility of personal information A court making proceeding searchable on the Internet without redacting personal information. Blackmail Threatening to disclose personal information An dating service for adulters charging customers to delete their accounts. Appropriation Using an individual’s identity to serve the aims and interests of another A social media site using customer's images in advertisingBreach of Confidentiality Breaking a promise to keep a person’s information confidential A doctor revealing patient information to friends on a social media website. Disclosure Revealing truthful personal information about a person that impacts the ways others judge their character or their security A government agency revealing an individual’s address to a stalker, resulting in the individual’s murder.Surveillance Watching, listening to, or recording of an individual's activities A website monitoring cursor movements of a visitor while visiting the website. Interrogation Questioning or probing for personal information An interviewer asking an inappropriate question, such as marital status, during a employment interview. INFORMATION COLLECTIONA TAXONOMY OF PRIVACY Invasion Intrusion Decisional Interference Information Processing Aggregation Insecurity Identification Secondary Use Exclusion Information Dissemination Breach of Confidentiality Disclosure Exposure Increased Accessibility Blackmail Appropriation DistortionInformation Collection Surveillance InterrogationIdentification Linking of information to a particular individual A researcher linking medical files to the Governor of a state using only date of birth, zip code and gender. Insecurity Carelessness in protecting information from leaks or improper access An ecommerce website allowing others to view an individual's purchase history by changing the URL (e.g. Use Using personal information for a purpose other than the purpose for which is was collected The U.S. Government using census data collected for the puprose of apportioning Congressional districts to identify and intern those of Japanese descent in WWII.Exclusion Failing to let an individual know about the information that others have about them and participate in its handling or use A company using customer call history, without the customer's knowledge, to shift their order in a queue (i.e. "Your call will be answer in the order [NOT] receivied") REC INVASION Intrusion Disturbing an individual’s tranquility or solitude An augmented reality game directing players onto private residential property. Exposure Revealing an individual’s nudity, grief, or bodily functions A store forcing a customer to remove clothing revealing a colostomy bag. Distortion Disseminating false or misleading information about an individual A creditor reporting a paid bill as unpaid to a credit bureau. Aggregation Combining of various pieces of personal information A credit bureau combining an individual’s payment history from multiple creditors. Provided by Enterpri vacy Consulting Group www.enterprivacy.comBased on Dan Solove’s A Taxonomy of Privacy cfm?abstract_id=667622

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