Magic Quadrant for Hyperconverged Infrastructure Published 25 November 2019 - ID G00380299 - 41 min read Hyperconverged infrastructure solutions are making substantial inroads into a broader set of use cases and deployment options, but limitations exist. I&O leaders should view HCI solutions as tools in the toolbox, rather than as panaceas for all IT infrastructure problems. Strategic Planning Assumption Driven by increased HCI scalability and management functionality, by 2023, 70% of enterprises will be running some form of HCI (i.e., appliance, software, cloud-tethered), up from less than 30% in 2019. Market Definition/Description Hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) is a category of scale-out software-integrated infrastructure that applies a modular approach to compute, network and storage on standard hardware, leveraging distributed, horizontal building blocks under unified management. HCI vendors either build their own appliances using common, off-the-shelf infrastructure (hardware, virtualization, operating system), or they engage with system vendors that package the HCI vendor’s software stack as an appliance. Alternatively, HCI vendors sell their software directly to end users, through resellers and integrators, for use as part of a reference architecture, or on an HCI-as-a-service basis, either on-premises or in a public cloud. IT leaders should remain cognizant of the origins of HCI suppliers and the strategic importance of HCI within these vendors’ larger portfolios. Some vendors approach HCI from a storage virtualization and data management perspective, partnering for all other components of the HCI stack (hypervisor, network virtualization, management). Others approach HCI from a server virtualization perspective and add storage virtualization and data management services later. Many server vendors approach HCI from a hardware appliance perspective as the natural evolution of their installed base of x86 servers. These server vendors either acquired an existing HCI or hyperconverged integrated system (HCIS) company or partnered with multiple HCI companies to deliver appliances or reference architectures. A few smaller providers approach HCI from a full-stack perspective, willing to compete head-to-head with leading hypervisor suppliers by initially focusing on a single niche. Some approach edge requirements strategically, while others address these requirements reactively. For most HCI vendors, the public cloud is an extension of the strategy, but also could be a strategic threat if IT leaders buy public cloud services in lieu of spending on their own infrastructure. During the past year, Gartner has witnessed increased consideration of HCI in mission-critical enterprise applications. With this change, users have increased their scrutiny of support and application certification. At the same time, HCI vendors have expanded their strategy to embrace hybrid/multicloud deployments, as either backup targets or disaster recovery options, or as an alternative for on-premises 1 infrastructure for unpredictable or cyclical resource requirements. Some HCI providers have begun to offer artificial intelligence (AI) functions to automatically improve performance and prevent failures. The HCI vendors that historically were data-center-focused have begun to target the needs of edge environments, previously only served by niche vendors. Small remote office and edge deployments require less storage capacity, fewer compute resources and fewer features, but benefit greatly from centralized management and high-availability designs. Much of the focus for this segment is on software that can be run on minimally configured servers that will support high availability (HA) with two-node clusters or even a single-node with limited availability. Finally, HCI vendors need to meet the asymmetrical scaling requirements of IT (compute, storage and network resource requirements do not always scale at the same rate) and are offering more compute-only, storage-only and software-defined networking options. These HCI providers offer that asymmetrical scaling while maintaining the server as the primary deployment method. It is worth noting that some vendors are operating outside the sphere of Gartner’s strict definition of HCI and are designing solutions from the outset that offer unified management, but are intended to scale compute and storage resources independently (e.g., disaggregated HCI [dHCI]). These solutions look much like inte

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