ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 5801 Third edition 2017-09 FansPerformance testing using standardizedairways Ventilateurs-Essaisaerauliquessur circuits normalises Referencenumber ISO5801:2017(E) @ISO2017 IS05801:2017(E) Contents Page Foreword ..vii Introduction. ..vii 1 Scope. 2 Normativereferences 3 Terms and definitions 1 4 Symbols,abbreviated terms and subscripts .10 4.1 Symbols andabbreviatedterms .10 4.2 Subscripts. .12 5 General. ..13 6 Testconfigurations. .14 6.1 General .14 6.2 CategoryAconfiguration 15 6.3 CategoryBconfiguration 15 6.4 CategoryC configuration. .15 6.5 CategoryD configuration 15 6.6 Inlets and outlets 15 6.7 Fanswith significant swirl .15 6.8 Airways 15 6.9 Test space. .16 6.10 Leakage. .16 6.11 Testreport .16 7 Carrying outthetest .16 7.1 Working fluid 16 7.2 Rotational speed .16 7.3 Steadyoperation 16 7.4 Ambientconditions 16 7.5 Pressure readings 17 7.6 Test for a specified duty .17 7.7 Testforafancharacteristiccurve 17 7.8 Operating range. 17 8 Airways for duct simulations. 17 8.1 General .17 8.2 Commonsegmentsatfaninlet(icS) 17 8.3 Inletduct simulation (iDS) 19 8.4 Commonsegmentatfanoutlet(oCS) 20 8.5 Outletductsimulation (oDS) 21 8.6 Longduct (LD) .22 8.7 Loss allowancesforstandardized airways 23 8.7.1 Lossallowancesforaninletcommonsegment (ics) 23 8.7.2 Lossallowancesforinletductsimulation (iDS) 24 8.7.3 Lossallowancesforoutletcommonsegments (ocs) 24 8.7.4 Lossallowancesforductsimulationatoutlet (oDS) 25 8.7.5 Loss allowances forlongduct (LD) .25 9 Standardizedtestchambers .25 9.1 General .25 9.2 Pressuretappings. .25 9.3 Flow-settlingmeans .25 9.3.1 General. .25 9.3.2 Piezometerring check. .26 9.3.3 Blowthroughverificationtest 26 9.3.4 Outletchamber reverseflowverificationtest 26 IS0 2017-All rights reserved ili

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