BRB老 BR 566 July 1989 Specification for High impact resistant windows The information contained in thin document is confidential and must not be used reproduced copied or disclosed, other than for the purpobe for CONIRLLED 0:.:19 Amendments CSFY Armd. No. Date Text affectoed Britisk Reilways Eoard NoV.07199702:19PMP2 FROM : MTRC C5S1 RS Mei Foo Site Off.PHONE NO. : 27419451 PAGE 1: FOREWORD 3 2. REFERENCES 3 3. SCOPE 3 3.1 Type 1 Windsereens :m -3.2 Type 2,Windsereens m 3.3Type3windscreens m 4. DEFINITICNS m 5. INSTALLATTON 4 6. CONSTRUCTION 4 6.1 External Facing Surface 4 6.2 Internal Facing Surface 4 6.3 Anti-Spalling 6.4 Testing fo: Spalling 5 6.5 Overall Construction 5 6.6 Sealiag 5 7. PREVENTION OF PENETRATION BY MISSILES 7.1Type 2windscreens 6 7.2 Type 2 Windscreens 6 7.3 Type 3 Windscreens 6 OPTICAL STANDARD 6 8.1 Type 1 Windscreens 6 8.2 Type 2 Windscreens 6 8.3 Type 3 Windscreens 7 8.4 Visual Transmission 7 9. ELECTRICALREQUIREMENTS 7 9.1 Rated Voitage 7 9.2 Windscreen Heating 7 9.3 Electrical Termination 8 24S1A/2552q/1 Nov. 07 1997 02:19PM P3 PHONE NO.:27419451 FROM : MTRC CSS1 RS Mei Foo Site Off.

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