ISO INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 5393 Third edition 2017-11 Rotary tools for threaded fasteners Performance test method Outils rotatifs pour éléments de fixation filetés - Méthode d'essai des caracteristiquesdefonctionnement Reference number IS0 5393:2017(E) @ IS0 2017 ut license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/22/2018 23:22:45 MST IS0 5393:2017(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT IS02017,PublishedinSwitzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Ch. de Blandonnet 8 . CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 @ IS0 2017 - All rights reserved Noreprodu mitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/22/2018 23:22:45 MST IS0 5393:2017(E) Contents Page Foreword ..V Introduction. 1 Scope. 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Symbols ..4 5 Determination oftorque scatter .5 5.1 General rules for performance tests .5 5.1.1 Measurements. .5 5.1.2 Ambient conditions .5 5.1.3 Test installation. .5 5.1.4 Test tool. .8 5.1.5 Test tool condition. .9 5.1.6 Power media. 9 5.2 Test fixtures .10 5.2.1 General ..10 5.2.2 Test joint. .10 5.2.3 Measuring instrument .12 5.2.4 Test requirements. .12 5.3 Testmethod ..14 5.3.1 Test cycles ..14 5.3.2 Run-down phase of the test cycle ..14 5.3.3 Alignment.. .14 5.3.4 Torque measurement. .15 5.3.5 Tightening time. ..15 5.3.6 Graphical presentation ..15 5.3.7 Electronically controlled tools ..15 5.4 Measurement uncertainty .15 6 Tool performance over a defined range of torque adjustment ..15 7 Tool performance over a defined number of operating cycles. ..15 7.1 General, .15 7.2 Operating cycle requirements. .16 7.2.1 Tool operation. ..16 7.2.2 Torque level. .16 7.2.3 Operating cycle test joint ..16 7.2.4 Ambient conditions. ..17 7.2.5 Maintenance .17 7.2.6 Method. .18 7.2.7 Graphical presentation .18 7.3 Performance test. ..18 8 Determination of the combined precision of built-in torque measurement systems ..18 8.1 General ..18 9 Evaluation of test results. .19 9.1 Torque scatter. ..19 9.2 Combined torque scatter.. .19 9.3 Torque scatter over a defined range of torque adjustment. .20 9.4 Torque scatter over a defined number of operating cycles 20 10 Presentation of test results .20 10.1 Test report. 20 10.2 Tool performance rating. .22 iii ed without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/22/2018 23:22:45 MST

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