Open5G:5G网络的开放生态 Executive Summary Three key application scenarios in 5G break the boundaries of communication between human beings in traditional mobile communications, forcing 5G to support communication of human-to-machine, and machine-to-machine. However, various application scenarios and requirements together with emergingly diversified standards and technologies call for an open 5G (Open5G) network, which is featured with flexibility and customization. This white paper investigates the concepts, challenges and opportunities of Open5G network. The main contributions of this white paper is summarized as follows: (1) Key concepts of Open5G: upon analyzing the technical requirements, the concept of open networks is provided from three different open levels, namely, black-box, white-box and gray-box networks. Specifically, black-box open networks provide third-party applications or developers with supporting services and key network capabilities via open application programming interface (API). White-box open networks refer to the fully open network, which includes open source software developing and white-boxing hardware design. The gray-box network is an partial open network, where telecom operators and the equipment manufacturers cooperatively design the customized network devices. Then, the overall objectives of open network architecture are figured out. Driven by developing requirements, open network architecture should decouple network capability providers and solution providers, enabling the former to effectively design network architectures with finite resources and reducing the dependence of the latter on the technical details. (2) Enabling technologies of Open5G: for open core network, 3GPP 5G service-based architecture is discussed and then MulteFire-based base station and open core network adopting distributed managements is provided. Centralized unit/distributed unit (CU/DU) architecture of open radio access network is discussed, featured with open CU, open API to DU, and white-boxing remote radio unit /active antenna unit (RRU/AAU). After defining the open terminal from the view of equipment capability and openness, an open terminal architecture is given, including open software/hardware resource architecture, and open configuration and management layer. The open methods of physical layer are open API to facilitate end to end network slices and software defined air interface (SDAI). Meanwhile, based on software defined radio and SDAI, an open smart physical layer architecture is proposed. Upon introducing free open source hardware (FOSH) platform, the requirements of Open5G hardware platform are summarized and the open hardware architecture is presented. (3) Use case for Open5G: the definition of open source and open API and the relationship 1 Open5G:5G 网络的开放生态 between them are clarified. Then, the use case for Open5G from different corporations and institutions is presented, including OneNET, China Telecom 5G SDR platform, mH-IoT platform, TCL 5G SDR platform, and super BS platform. Open source and openness of software/hardware ecosystem for 5G network are still in their infant stage, so, currently, there are still many different definitions and solutions. This white paper aims at to tease out and analyze key concepts, the possible solutions, and technical challenges, providing a guidance for building open ecosystem for 5G networks in the future. 2 Open5G:5G网络的开放生态 目 录 Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................... 1 1 引言 ......................................................................................................................................... 5 2 开放网络的基本概念 ............................................................................................................. 7 2.1 开放网络基本内涵.................................................................................................... 7 2.1.1 面向5G演进的技术需求分析 ............................................................................ 7 2.1.2 能力开放的黑盒网络......................................................................................... 9 2.1.3 完全开放的白盒网络....................................................................................... 10 2.1.4 半开放半封闭的灰盒网络............................................................................... 10 2.2 开放网络架构的总体目标..................................................................................

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