See discussions, st ats, and author pr ofiles f or this public ation at : https://www t/public ation/261086595 SysML and safety analysis for mechatronic systems Conf erence Paper · No vember 2012 DOI: 10.1109/MECA TRONIC S.2012.6451042 CITATIONS 29READS 2,559 5 author s, including: Some o f the author s of this public ation ar e also w orking on these r elat ed pr ojects: Topologic al modeling View pr oject Category Theor y View pr oject Faïda Mhenni Supméc a - Instit ut supérieur de méc anique de P aris 73 PUBLICA TIONS    616 CITATIONS     SEE PROFILE Jean-Yves Chole y ISAE-Supméc a - Instit ut supérieur de méc anique de P aris 194 PUBLICA TIONS    1,264 CITATIONS     SEE PROFILE Nga Nguy en Leonar do da V inci Engineering School 55 PUBLICA TIONS    490 CITATIONS     SEE PROFILE Kadima Hubert Ecole Int ernationale des Scienc es du T raitement de lInf ormation 22 PUBLICA TIONS    292 CITATIONS     SEE PROFILE All c ontent f ollo wing this p age was uplo aded b y Faïda Mhenni on 23 June 2014. The user has r equest ed enhanc ement of the do wnlo aded file.SysML and Safety Analysis for Mechatronic Systems Fa¨ıda Mhenni Jean-Yves Choley Alain Rivi `ere LISMMA, EA 2336 SUPMECA Paris 3, rue Fernand Hainaut 93400 Saint-Ouen, France Email: faida.mhenni@supmeca.frNga Nguyen Hubert Kadima LARIS EISTI Avenue du Parc 95000 Cergy Pntoise, France Email: Abstract —Model-based system engineering is an efficient approach to specifying, designing, simulating and validating mechatronic systems. This approach allows errors to be detected as soon as possible in the design process, and thus reduces the overall cost of the product. Uniformity in a complex mechatronic project, which is by definition multidisciplinary, is achieved by expressing the models in a common modeling language such as SysML. This paper presents the state of the art of integrating risk and reliability studies with SysML in the design process of safety- critical systems. An Electro Mechanical Actuator system for light aircraft is used to illustrate the integration process, showing how a failure modes and effects analysis is automatically carried out from SysML structural and behavioral diagrams. Through our industry-relevant case study, the advantages and drawbacks of the employed integration methodology are analyzed. I. I NTRODUCTION Over the last decade, the complexity of mechatronic sys- tems has considerably grown since these systems integrate an increasing number of components and a variety of technolo- gies. Meanwhile, system engineers always have to reach the following main objectives: building the right systems, building them correctly and on time, while reducing costs. Thus, the model-based systems engineering approach using SysML [1] is a good choice in system design to better manage these constraints. SysML is a unifying systems language which allows engineers to document the properties from different dis- ciplines to describe the whole solution [2]. This OMG standard is becoming more and more supported by industry because it provides a consistent, well-defined, and well-understood language to communicate the requirements and corresponding designs among engineers. Mechatronic systems are also safety-critical systems. Haz- ard and risk analyses are critical to guarantee the reliability, robustness, and quality of products. In general, safety analysis techniques can be split into two categories: qualitative and quantitative approaches. Qualitative methods try to find the causal dependencies between a hazard on system level and failures of individual components, while quantitative methods aim at providing estimations about probabilities, rates and severity of consequences. To perform safety analyses, the two most traditionally used fault modeling techniques are Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) [3], [4] and Fault TreeAnalysis (FTA) [3]. FMEA aims at evaluating the effects of potential failure modes of components or functions, and eli

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